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Behavior of materials for earth and rockfill dams: Perspective from unsaturated soil mechanics

Eduardo E. ALONSO, Rafaela CARDOSO,

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1,   Pages 1-39 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0013-6

Abstract: In a broad sense they are compacted materials and therefore unsaturated materials.They are analysed because their use, as well as the use of mixtures of soil and rock, is becoming more

Keywords: dams     unsaturated soil mechanics     suction     rockfill     clayey soil     mixture    

Soil-water interaction in unsaturated expansive soil slopes

ZHAN Liangtong

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2,   Pages 198-204 doi: 10.1007/s11709-007-0023-1

Abstract: The intensive soil-water interaction in unsaturated expansive soil is one of the major reasons for slopeIn this paper, the soil-water interaction is investigated with the full-scale field inspection of rainwaterIt is demonstrated that the soil-water interaction induced by seasonal wetting-drying cycles is veryIn addition, the abundant cracks in the expansive soil play an important role in the soil-water interactionInfiltration of rainwater not only results in wetting-induced softening of the shallow unsaturated soil

Keywords: strength     intensive soil-water     comprehensive     Infiltration     wetting-induced softening    

Application of fractal theory to unsaturated soil mechanics

XU Yongfu, TONG Lixin

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4,   Pages 411-421 doi: 10.1007/s11709-007-0056-5

Abstract: The mechanical properties of unsaturated soils are a function of the saturation degree or matric suctionto describe hierarchical systems and is suitable to model the structure and hydraulic properties of unsaturatedIn this paper, the soil-water characteristics, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function, unsaturatedThe predictions of the proposed soil-water characteristics, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, unsaturatedComparisons between the experimental results of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and the predictions

Keywords: selection     soil-water     independent physical     unsaturated     strength    

Assessment of future climate change impacts on water-heat-salt migration in unsaturated frozen soil using

Hanli Wan, Jianmin Bian, Han Zhang, Yihan Li

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1302-5

Abstract: Abstract • A model coupling water-heat-salt of unsaturated frozen soil was established. • Future temperatureThe transport mechanisms of water, heat, and salt in unsaturated frozen soil, as well as its responsefrozen soil using CoupModel.The water, heat, and salt dynamics of unsaturated frozen soil under three representative concentrationfrozen soil.

Keywords: Soil salinization     Climate change     Unsaturated frozen soil     Water-heat-salt balance     Soil environment change    

Effect of a less permeable stronger soil layer on the stability of non-homogeneous unsaturated slopes

Nabarun DEY, Aniruddha SENGUPTA

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2020, Volume 14, Issue 6,   Pages 1462-1475 doi: 10.1007/s11709-020-0674-8

Abstract: failure occurs due to an increase in the saturation level and a subsequent decrease in matric suction in unsaturatedsoil.presents the results of a series of centrifuge experiments and numerical analyses on a 55° inclined unsaturatedA discontinuity of the shear zone is also observed for the case of a non-homogeneous soil slope.The factor of safety of a non-homogeneous, unsaturated soil slope decreases because of the less permeable

Keywords: non-homogeneous slope     stronger soil layer     factor of safety     centrifuge model test     unsaturated soils    

Stability analysis of layered slopes in unsaturated soils

Guangyu DAI; Fei ZHANG; Yuke WANG

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 3,   Pages 378-387 doi: 10.1007/s11709-022-0808-2

Abstract: This study presents stability analyses of layered soil slopes in unsaturated conditions and uses a limitequilibrium method to determine the factor of safety involving suction stress of unsaturated soil.The obtained results show that larger suction stress provided in unsaturated clay dominates the stabilityInfiltration/evaporation can obviously affect the stability of unsaturated layered slopes, but theirinfluences depend on the soil property and thickness of the lower soil layer.

Keywords: slope stability     suction stress     unsaturated soil     layered slope     limit equilibrium    

Stable expression and control parameters in the numerical simulation of unsaturated flow

Zhiyuan ZHANG; Xu LI; Yongkang WU; Xiaokang LI

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 12,   Pages 1501-1514 doi: 10.1007/s11709-022-0893-2

Abstract: The Richards’ equation describes the flow phenomenon in unsaturated porous media and is essential toFor the h-form Richards’ equation, the hydraulic conductivity of the soil in the low-suction rangefindings can provide a helpful reference for improving the reliability of numerical simulations of unsaturated

Keywords: Richards’ equation     sensitivity analysis     unsaturated soil     hydraulic diffusivity     seepage simulation    

Determination of effective stress parameter of unsaturated soils: A Gaussian process regression approach

Pijush Samui, Jagan J

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 2,   Pages 133-136 doi: 10.1007/s11709-013-0202-1

Abstract: capability of Gaussian process regression (GPR) for prediction of effective stress parameter ( ) of unsaturatedsoil.The results show that the developed GPR is reliable model for prediction of of unsaturated soil.

Keywords: unsaturated soil     effective stress parameter     Gaussian process regression (GPR)     artificial neural network    

The Analysis of Dangerous Volumetric Water Content of Unsaturated Soil Slope

Zhang Shilin,Wang Dongmei,Li Genhua

Strategic Study of CAE 2004, Volume 6, Issue 5,   Pages 71-75


This article mainly formulates that rainfall seeping makes the volumetric water of unsaturated soilThat means soil suction changes with the stability of whole unsaturated soil slope, that is, the safetysoil slope also is danger.By monitoring the volumetric water condition changing of unsaturated soil slope, some information ofunsaturated soil slope stability can be obtained.

Keywords: unsaturated soil     stability analysis     rainfall seeping     volumetric water     soil suction    

Stress-strain relationship with soil structural parameters of collapse loess

SHAO Shengjun, LONG Jiyong, YU Qinggao

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2008, Volume 2, Issue 2,   Pages 151-160 doi: 10.1007/s11709-008-0020-z

Abstract: Through the tri-axial shearing tests of unsaturated intact loess and based on the concept of comprehensivesoil structural potential, this paper reveals the changing laws of soil structural property under theestablishes a mathematical expression equation of structural parameters, whereby reflecting the effects of unsaturated

Keywords: hardening     shearing expansion     unsaturated     structural property     mathematical expression    

The Principle of Interaction Between Plastic Volumetric and Shear Strains for Unsaturated Soils

Wang Jingtao

Strategic Study of CAE 2007, Volume 9, Issue 11,   Pages 11-15

Abstract: paper,  the principle of interaction between plastic volumetric and shear strains for rock and soilhas been extended to the field of unsaturated soils.of suction-plastic volumetric strain and pore air pressure-plastic volumetric strain appear in the unsaturatedstate of a soil besides the interaction between plastic volumetric and shear strains.theoretically proved by application of this principle of interaction that the critical state line for unsaturated

Keywords: the principle of interaction between plastic volumetric and shear strains     unsaturated soil     matric suction    

Role of catalyst surface-active sites in the hydrogenation of ,-unsaturated aldehyde

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 6, doi: 10.1007/s11705-024-2423-3

Abstract: important technology in fine chemical production, the selective hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturatedIn the process of α,β-unsaturated aldehyde hydrogenation, a conjugated system is formedresearchers have reported that surface-active sites on catalysts play a crucial role in α,β-unsaturatedattention has been given to the adsorption configuration and transformation mechanism of α,β-unsaturated, recent advances in metal-supported catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated

Keywords: α     β-unsaturated aldehydes     hydrogenation     active site     cinnamaldehyde    

Coupled solid-fluid FE-analysis of an embankment dam

Michael PERTL, Matthias HOFMANN, Guenter HOFSTETTER

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1,   Pages 53-62 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0084-4

Abstract: A coupled solid-fluid FE-model for partially saturated soils, characterized by modeling the soil as athree-phase material consisting of a deformable soil skeleton and the fluid phases water and air, isAs a constitutive model for the soil skeleton, the well-known Barcelona Basic model (BBM) is employed

Keywords: multi-phase model     unsaturated soil model     Barcelona Basic model (BBM)     return mapping algorithm     embankment    

Carbon-doped surface unsaturated sulfur enriched CoS@rGO aerogel pseudocapacitive anode and biomass-derived

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 6,   Pages 1500-1513 doi: 10.1007/s11705-021-2086-2

Abstract: For the anode, we introduced in situ carbon-doped and surface-enriched unsaturated sulfur into

Keywords: in-situ carbon-doped     surface unsaturated sulfur enriched     pseudocapacitive energy storage     biomass-derived    

vanadium-bearing resources in the preparation of rare-earth vanadate catalysts for semi-hydrogenation of ,-unsaturated

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 12,   Pages 1793-1806 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2191-x

Abstract: rare-earth vanadate catalysts exhibited good activities toward the semi-hydrogenation of α,β-unsaturated

Keywords: petrochemical solid wastes     vanadium recovery     resource utilization     nanomaterials     semi-hydrogenation    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Behavior of materials for earth and rockfill dams: Perspective from unsaturated soil mechanics

Eduardo E. ALONSO, Rafaela CARDOSO,

Journal Article

Soil-water interaction in unsaturated expansive soil slopes

ZHAN Liangtong

Journal Article

Application of fractal theory to unsaturated soil mechanics

XU Yongfu, TONG Lixin

Journal Article

Assessment of future climate change impacts on water-heat-salt migration in unsaturated frozen soil using

Hanli Wan, Jianmin Bian, Han Zhang, Yihan Li

Journal Article

Effect of a less permeable stronger soil layer on the stability of non-homogeneous unsaturated slopes

Nabarun DEY, Aniruddha SENGUPTA

Journal Article

Stability analysis of layered slopes in unsaturated soils

Guangyu DAI; Fei ZHANG; Yuke WANG

Journal Article

Stable expression and control parameters in the numerical simulation of unsaturated flow

Zhiyuan ZHANG; Xu LI; Yongkang WU; Xiaokang LI

Journal Article

Determination of effective stress parameter of unsaturated soils: A Gaussian process regression approach

Pijush Samui, Jagan J

Journal Article

The Analysis of Dangerous Volumetric Water Content of Unsaturated Soil Slope

Zhang Shilin,Wang Dongmei,Li Genhua

Journal Article

Stress-strain relationship with soil structural parameters of collapse loess

SHAO Shengjun, LONG Jiyong, YU Qinggao

Journal Article

The Principle of Interaction Between Plastic Volumetric and Shear Strains for Unsaturated Soils

Wang Jingtao

Journal Article

Role of catalyst surface-active sites in the hydrogenation of ,-unsaturated aldehyde

Journal Article

Coupled solid-fluid FE-analysis of an embankment dam

Michael PERTL, Matthias HOFMANN, Guenter HOFSTETTER

Journal Article

Carbon-doped surface unsaturated sulfur enriched CoS@rGO aerogel pseudocapacitive anode and biomass-derived

Journal Article

vanadium-bearing resources in the preparation of rare-earth vanadate catalysts for semi-hydrogenation of ,-unsaturated

Journal Article